Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunny Sunday!

Well the weather here is GLORIOUS!
I had a lovely long walk this afternoon with Maisie and got a bit lost which made it an even longer walk .........

Sorry - no crafty reveals today - Firstly I sort of failed with doing a LO each day last week - life got in the way - BUT I did 3 and I actually think that is a bit OK. (Yeah I only showed 2 as one is for Lin and not got permission to show here - I am sure when she receives it in the mail she may show it on her blog)

I have spent a stack of time sorting through photos - and I really don't know where to start to be honest.
My lounge is like a bombsite with albums and photos everywhere.

I have started on a LO tonight - anything to avoid actually planning for my interview tomorrow.
I am dreading it to be honest - walking into the Head Office of my old company - I mean who might I "bump into" I am in terror. Better get up early and do hair and make up.
Bought new trousers today for it cos new have the perfect crease in the front and I cannot be trying to achieve that at silly o clock.

Will let you know how it goes ............. gotta go now feel sick thinking about it - in fact do I even remember where Head Office is lol
Thanks for all your kind words on my previous post - having been a City Chick before I kind of know what I am letting myself in for if I get offered it and accept. Think I am on a mission to screw up the interview and have the decision made for me to be honest. I like my easy little life!

Love Bex xx


Delbut said...

What's an LO?

Bex said...

OMG Del is this a trick question?

OK a LO is a "Layout" read it as you will!!!!

It is of course a simple scrapbooking term for a page but hey - make me laugh with your take on it.
I need a laugh - I feel sick with fear about tomorrows interview ...........
In fact I may go to bed and think of answers to the shit they will throw at me xxx

Ben R said...

Hey Bex!!

Sorry I haven't replied sooner - my parents went on the 'must get every room spotless this weekend' blitz, and I couldn't really sneak a subtle look.
Caught my dad looking at the photos, and his first words were, "God, don't I look a gonk!" Ha ha!! My mum looks like she put something potent in her bouquet, but I suspect it was her not wearing her glasses in the church!!
Weird seeing relatives I never knew, and old colleagues my Mum still meets up with.

As for the card, I think we should 'Bex it up' and go for a concertina design...

I should be able to e-mail you some pics before 7am, and I'm asking my grandparents about any dates and special words you can incorporate.

Ben R said...

PS - I didn't know what a LO was either, and was waiting for someone else to ask!!

...I wondered at first if it had anything to do with Princess Lo (Lori), Molly/Ballerina Gurl's friend, the blogger with that little green toy frog (Prince Charming in Training!) she takes everywhere!!!

Ben R

elena said...

Good luck, Bex!!!!

Don't be nervous and trust yourself, you will do it very well.


Sheila said...

So will I keep me fingers crossed or not Bex.......ha ha ha!!!
I hope things turn out however you want them too hun....your happiness is the most important thing at the end of the day.

Ronzi said...


Are you sure Easy Life is the right phrase, I mean no matter what people choose to do to be commited to and make a difference in life is not easy. I would say you are choosing to take a less resistant path. Thats a better way to put it. A creative mind is not best exercised in a boring office job. Be confident with you choices and spread your wings and be free..

Smile, life is good

L- Ronzi

Cathy with a C said...


All the best, tomorrow (actually today your time!) I interviewed at my old company a few months ago. You're right - it was very strange walking back into headquarters and even stranger talking to old co-workers. Some thought I was crazy to consider coming back and others, well, I'm not sure what they thought. Luckily I didn't have to make the decision as to whether I wanted to come back or not. I left knowing I had the job if I wanted it, but actually was never offered it. The company put themselves up for sale shortly thereafter. I think that my old boss knew it was going to happen and didn't put me in the position of leaving a good job to take a job with an uncertain future.

Have to confess as well, that I wasn't sure what LO stood for either. I can't wait for Delbut's definition of layout!

Glad you had nice weather and a long walk. They are calling for snow here!

Cathy xox

Jane said...

hey Bex, I'm 12 hours ahead of you here in NZ - so I know you did just FINE ! LOl !

Hope you are feeling less 'sick' now. I certainly know that feeling !

Delbut said...

Bex, just picture them naked when they ask you silly questions! It worked for me. Well, they actually were naked. That's what you get when you apply for a job as porn star. I didn't get the job but the practicle test was a blast!

They too mentioned an LO. To them it meant Long One. what that referred to was a bit of mystery til they pointed and sniggered at me.Ah well. I talk a good shag, anyway.

Just flash the bay blues, sweetie. No, that's sexismist. Use your intelligence! No..Baffle the buggers with science. That only works when you are applying to be a scientist...AH, yes! Lie through your teeth. Yes.

Delbut said...

please substitute the word practical for thw made-up one of practicle, which i just used...but only to see if you were paying attention. (phew, i think i got away with that).

Suesjoy said...

hee hee that boi is 2 funny! Nice to see he didn't let us down!

So how did it go Bex???

I think it would be such a blast to intentionally mess up an interview if you didn't really want the job.
I hate it when they ask idiotic questions like: "what is your greatest flaw?"
I actually said once (and I actually kinda wanted the job) "Oh I can't stand being bored."

What I meant was, boredom is the devil's workshop and gets me into ALL KINDS of trouble...
My major flaw is that I am chronically 5 minutes late (roughly!). I think that's a passive-aggressive thing.
I also have authority issues...if I don't like my boss...I will never, ever kiss her/his butt. That's why I didn't get a promotion when I worked at a university for 7 years! I didn't care because I only was there to get my degree for next to nothing.
Anywho...would love to hear how you deliberately messed up, if you did at all!

Ha ha Ben! I met Lo's Prince Charming this past weekend in Vegas!
We made out in the backseat of Molly's car. :)
